some news for y'all.
Dead Mans Chest.
DMC's have a new track up on there myspace from there new album, heavy as fuck., hoping there new album will be out soon. for fans of integrity, ringworm and just heavy hardcore.
Santa Karla
SK have a spilt coming out over the next few months, they have a track up from it, go check
(also the artwork is by Simon Erl! sick or what)
Vintage Princess
VP is a nice little beautiful custom jewellery site run by Laura, Add her up and see what shes got, but like i say she takes custom orders. so for all you girls out there, get buying!
Never Say Dye
NSD is a small little custom clothing shop i run myself. i do tie dye and acid wash t shirts. if you like that stuff i make it all year round, so head to the face book and shop as I'm running good deals to the first people who buy shirts.