Thursday, 30 September 2010

Here Lies Affliction CD Review.

 HLA are some pretty heavy guys from the London area. they play sick hardcore influenced metal.

this is a little break down of there new e.p

As soon as the feed back kicks in your gripped, waiting for what is about to kick you in the teeth.
the opening riff draws you in more and more until the break comes. and it comes as a neck snapping break down that smashes everything.

Figure Of Discontent
Kicks in and you already want to loose your mind. with crazy riffs slamming into a great double kit beat which blends into an great riff you cant but help but nod your head too, this song goes through many changes of style, it doesn't stick to one which is great, hardcore beat to chucking riffs, grind parts. it keeps you on your toes.

Our Honour Their Hate

This track goes straight into a blistering death metal riff which seems to get faster and faster (i don't know how there drummers arms hasn't fallen off already).
Mixing a sweet hardcore beat with chugging mix ups is really infectious.
every line kyle sings could pretty much be a hardcore gang chant, which is fucking great.
this song makes me want to get of my chair, throw it against the wall and most with my dog.

No Balls (Man Up!)

Its only 10 seconds in and my head is already melting from the heaviness. busting into a straight up hardcore 2step which is refreshing to hear. next comes a great hatebreed style build up into a beat down, heavy as fuck.
which doesn't prepare you for the last part of the track and once it comes in its like an assault on your senses. nothing is left. total destruction.

This is a must buy for anyone who loves metal / hardcore / death metal. its spreads over loads of genres.
GO BUY IT!!! what else are you going to buy with your money??? nothing as good as this.