I first came across HLA when derv (ALTD) and chris (HTB) told me to check them out.
And they were right, their one of the best metal hardcore crossover bands Ive heard in a long time.
We've made a deal and I'm going to promote their arse off.
So Firstly.......
Over the weekend of Download Festival HLA were the first band to play the fest, but they weren't on the bill!
"How did they play then?..." i hear you ask?
Well they played the first Download Fest guerrilla gig, they played the car park!
They loaded all the gear in a van, got a power generator and was able to play to a crowd of fans / people going to download for a short time before the security came and shut it down,
It sucked that it had to be shut down but at least HLA can say they were the first band to open up Download Fest 2010, and i couldn't think of a better band to do it i say.
Check out the video of them playing the secret show here: